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Virginia Water Science Center (VA WSC)

The Virginia Water Science Center provides information and conducts research concerning hydrology including ground water, surface water, streamflow, water quality, and precipitation in Virginia. VA WSC performs interpretive investigations of specific water-resources problems which include:

  • Watershed assessment, management and monitoring using GIS
  • Water input monitoring concentrations and estimates of loads and trends of suspended solids, nitrogen, phosphorus, and other selected constituents
  • Forecasting the Effect of Climate Change and Land Cover Change on the Chesapeake Bay Ecosystem
  • Chloride concentration and water contaminant studies
  • Episodic acidification of streams: hydrologic and geochemical controls, typography based mapping of vulnerability and potential effects on aquatic biota
  • Seasonal cycles of dissolved constituents in stream water
  • Amphibian research and monitoring in relation to water quality
  • Flood investigations
  • Aquifer appraisals
  • The operation stream gages, observation well networks, and water-quality monitoring stations throughout Virginia

The Virginia Water Science Center provides information on their current projects and staff on their website: