Training Resources Exchange
Explore pertinent training resources by topic, geography, and audience
The Nature Conservancy Nature Lab
Nature is the fantastic factory that makes the building blocks of all our lives—food, drinking water, the stuff we own, and the air we breathe. That’s why The Nature Conservancy and its 550 scientists have created Nature Lab: to help students learn the science behind how nature works for us and how we can help keep it running strong.
The Nature Conservancy Conservation Gateway Fire Training
The Nature Conservancy has conducted over 100 fire training sessions since 1986. Having served more than 3,700 students to date, the Conservancy has earned a reputation for its innovative, experiential approach to learning and dynamic, interagency cadre and student bodies.
Taking Action to Resist, Accept, or Direct Change: How Wildlife Managers Can Thrive in an Uncertain Future (Webinar)
The mission of the USFWS is to conserve fish, wildlife and their habitats. But how can wildlife managers proceed when faced with biodiversity declines, extinction crises, and accelerating climate change where traditional approaches may no longer be effective?
Endangered Species Act: A Practical Primer for Decision Makers, Biologists and Staff Specialists (May 2025)
This workshop covers policy, legal and administrative aspects of managing threatened, endangered and sensitive species.
Webinar: From data to decision: Pathways for salt marsh conservation and restoration
Learn about conservation and restoration activities led by the Partnership for the Delaware Estuary that highlight the interactive nature of monitoring, tool development, and interventions to inform goal-based site management.
Stream & Watershed Restoration Design & Implementation Workshop
Participants will learn about developing and implementing stream and watershed restoration programs at the district level. Restoration in watershed analysis context, and effective stream restoration programs will also be covered. Scheduled for May 2023, pending COVID.
Texas Prescribed Burn Workshop 4-day Course in 2023
Meets Training and Testing requirement for Board Certified TDA prescribed burn manager certification.
Prescribed Burn School
This course places an emphasis on fire behavior, how to employ the correct firing technique, and equipment & safety. After successful completion of this course, you will be eligible to schedule your official exam and field component to apply to become a Certified and Insured Prescribed Burn Manager (CIPBM) from TDA.
Fire Leadership for Women: Three 20-Day Training Opportunities in 2023
During the 20-day session, participants will experience 10 - 12 days of hands-on burning in complex situations as wildland urban interface, various fuel types, and will work for several different agencies with unique management objectives.
Wildland-Urban Interface Conference 2023
Learn how to minimize and manage threats in the WUI at the Wildland-Urban Interface Conference. Three essential tracks ensure you and your team get everything you need. Get the latest on Fire Adapted Communities, operations & suppression, and wildland fire policy & tools. Get it all at the WUI conference before the next fire season strikes.
Human Factors in the Wildland Fire Service
Human Factors in the Wildland Fire Service exposes students to human performance concepts as part of basic wildland firefighter training.
Introduction to Wildland Fire Behavior
This course provides instruction in the primary factors affecting the start and spread of wildfire and recognition of potentially hazardous situations. The material is broken into three online modules (one to three hours each).
Prescribed Fire Training Exchanges
Prescribed fire training exchanges are designed to address the unique landscape needs while keeping community values in mind.
Flagler County Land Management assists Central Florida Prescribed Fire Council instructing wildland fire training class in Apopka
Twenty-one students from nine different organizations across the state of Florida participated in the training.
Learning with Longleaf
The Longleaf Alliance’s educational series, Learning with Longleaf, highlights the natural and cultural history of longleaf pine ecosystems. A resources for teachers and students.
The Longleaf Academy
The Longleaf Academy prepares natural resource professionals and private landowners to manage, restore, and enhance longleaf pine ecosystems. A program of The Longleaf Alliance that aims to create a uniformly well-informed network of longleaf ecosystem professionals. To browse their offerings, please visit their website.
OSU: Introduction to Prescribed Fire
Interested in learning how to conduct a safe and effective prescribed burn? Enroll in the OSU Extension Introduction to Prescribed Fire online course to learn best practices for conducting a safe and effective burn. The course features interactive learning activities and custom videos.
Certified Biomass Procurement Specialist - Switchgrass
This eight-hour online course is designed to prepare agriculturists to work with farmers as employees of a bio-refinery to provide its feedstock needs. Course topics include site selection, soils, drainage, fertility, varieties, weed control, selecting growers, contracts, production systems and other switchgrass production issues. Course instructors are specialists from Auburn University, University of Tennessee, University of Kentucky and Genera Energy. For more information or to enroll contact Mark Hall (
No-Till Intensive Trainings
8-part webinar series with farmers, researchers, or other expert practitioners. The classes will discuss common obstacles to implementing a successful no-till program, address these issues through field proven technical knowledge, and follow a training plan that will best enable the TSP (technical service provider) to support the farmers in the no-till practice transition. This course is open to any service provider working with farmers in the Northeast! Upon course completion participants will receive a No-Till Intensive Training Certificate of Completion, as well as be eligible for 8 CCA credits and 1 Pesticide credit.