Kentucky Water Science Center (KY WSC)
The Kentucky Water Science Center provides information and conducts research concerning hydrology including ground water, water quality, streamflow, precipitation, and lake and river elevations in Kentucky. Additional research activities include:
- Watershed assessment, management and monitoring using GIS
- Regional karst hydrogeologic systems mapping using GIS methods
- Analysis of stream/water interaction
- Nutrient data and diatom/macroinvertebrate community structure evaluation
- Suspended sediment concentration analysis
- Source water assessment programs
- Water contaminants and their effects on fish and aquatic wildlife
- Investigation of abandoned wells that may contaminate ground water by oil, gas and other pollutants
- Hydrology of coal producing areas in Appalachia
- The effects of abandoned landfills on water quality
- The operation of streamflow gauging stations throughout Kentucky
The Kentucky Water Science Center provides information on their current projects and staff on their website: