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Apps, Maps, and Data

Here you will find helpful tools created especially to support the management and conservation of working lands.

NRCS Targeted Monarch Butterfly Effort

NRCS Targeted Monarch Butterfly Effort

NRCS map of the targeted Monarch Butterfly effort: click to expand

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FY21 WLFW-GWWA Project Boundary

FY21 WLFW-GWWA Project Boundary

Updated to include new priority areas in NY.

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The Literature Gateway

The Literature Gateway

A Systematic Map of Bird-Vegetation Relationships in Eastern and Boreal Forests

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COMING SOON! The project will help in evaluating the effects of land-cover management practices (e.g., prescribed fire, forage planting, and brush management) on certain grassland songbird populations in the Eastern USA. The project will also look into the influence of landscape composition and configuration on the population of target species. These goals will be attained through tasks like 1) the creation of a cloud-based database where biologists can upload their field data, 2) the analysis of bird calls to estimate their density and abundance, and 3) the species integration model to assess their spatial and temporal distribution.

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Landscape Partnership Spatial Datasets

Landscape Partnership Spatial Datasets

Discover datasets produced by Landscape Partnership members and partners

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SE FireMap

SE FireMap

The SE FireMap project aims to develop an improved fire mapping system in the Southeastern United States. This cohesive system will track both prescribed fire and wildfire activity on public and private lands and serve as a critical decision support tool to maximize the effectiveness of fire management practices.

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Imperiled Aquatic Species Conservation Strategy for the Upper TN River Basin

Imperiled Aquatic Species Conservation Strategy for the Upper TN River Basin

The Imperiled Aquatic Species Conservation Strategy for the Upper Tennessee River Basin is a cost-effective conservation strategy for 36 imperiled freshwater fish and mussel species in the 22,360 square-mile Upper Tennessee River Basin. Developed in 2014.

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GIS & Conservation Planning  Toolkit

GIS & Conservation Planning Toolkit

The GIS & Conservation Planning Toolkit was designed by the Landscape Conservation Cooperatives to help walk resources managers through integrating GIS data and planning into day-to-day operations. We still house this toolkit for practitioners to use in their on-the-ground conservation efforts.

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Appalachian Naturescape

Appalachian Naturescape

Well-connected landscapes are necessary to sustain many of the natural and cultural resources important to the Appalachian region. Appalachian NatureScape is a dynamic conservation planning resource that brings together data and perspectives of experts and committed stakeholders.

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