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Landscape Partnership Work Group Materials

ACP Position paper WG

ACP 1. Develop a position paper of vision, goals to serve Partnership over next few years. Work Group: Gwen Brewer (MD DNR) lead: Participants: Bridgett Costanzo (NRCS), Bill Jenkins (EPA-3), Perry Wheelock (NPS-NCR). Focus: i. ID workplan, work groups, gaps, communication needs ii. Develop next steps

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ACP State of the Appalachians WG

Situational analysis “State of the Appalachians”. Danny Lee (USFS-SRS): Lead. Members: Rick Durbrow (EPA-4), Bill Jenkins (EPA-R3), Cale Godfry (VA DGIF), Cindy Williams (FWS-R4-ACP). Work group focus: i. Where we are, how the investment we’ve done has advanced things ii. Focus on water quality, landscape, etc. iii. Can think about metrics, monitoring

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ACP Project Manager WG

ACP Work Group 3. Plan for project manager. Work Group: Jon Gasset (WMI, service fees apply) lead. Participants: Bridgett Costanzo (NRCS), Paul Johansen (WV DNR). Focus: i. Propose/draft a scope of work for this type of support ii. Seek money and fitting person

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ACP Tools Evaluation WG

ACP Work Group 4. Evaluation of existing tools and their value to Partners. Work Group: Ray Albright (NPS-SE) as lead. Participants: Jason Duke(FWS-Region-4) , Perry Wheelock (NPS-NRC), and Danny Lee (USFS-SRS). Focus: i. Evaluate how each tool will fit within agencies’ work ii. How does it apply at the management level?

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LCC Lessons Learned WG

Work Group Lead: Jean Brennan (FWS-SA). What’s worked elsewhere that we can learn from in redefining our 2nd generation Landscape Conservation Partnership? Participants: Members of the LCC community (focus on Coordinators-level). SOW to include: • Can capture the context of how partnerships evolve, 22 LCCs • Look at existing organizational development research • Think about conservation partnerships and networks more broadly {see dedicated work space: [PEOPLES] tab, [WORKSHOP] secondary navigation}

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