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Tangible Landscape as a tool for modeling and science communication

Tangible Landscape as a tool for modeling and science communication

In this webinar the Conservation Biology Institute introduce Tangible Landscape, a technology that links an interactive physical model with GRASS GIS through a real-time cycle of interaction, 3D scanning, geospatial computation, and 3D rendering.

Different types of interactions including molding polymeric sand, placing markers, and drawing with laser pointer allow us to couple Tangible Landscape with spatio-temporal models simulating the spread of wildfire, emerging plant diseases, such as Sudden Oak Death in California, or models projecting urbanization on regional scale. We will show how Tangible Landscape can be used in various settings such as labs, outreach events and conferences, and how you can build Tangible Landscape and use it for your own applications.

Presenter(s): Helena Mitasova, Anna Petrasova, Brendan Harmon, Vaclav Petras, Payam Tabrizian, and Ross Meentemeyer, the Tangible Landscape team from NCSU Center for Geospatial Analytics

Filed under: Communication, Video, Webinar