NFHAP: Mackeys Creek Gulf Coast Strain Walleye Habitat Restoration
The initial phase of a project to restore a Gulf Coast strain of walleye (Stizostedion vitreum) population which had been in decline since the 1970s, was undertaken on a headwater stream of the Tombigbee River. The goal was to improve the spawning and rearing habitat by stabilizing a section of stream bank and to stop a head cut from advancing upstream.
Partner(s): Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries & Parks Natural Resources Conservation Service US Fish & Wildlife Service
Description of Site:
- The stream bank had washed out due to downstream modifications of the stream channel.
Over the long term, restoration will result in about 7 miles of restored habitat.
- Existing habitat compromised populations of crystal darter, Alabama hog sucker, southern sand darter, Tombigbee darter,
rock darter, freckled darter, and spotted bass as well as walleye. -
Degraded habitat did not support spawning or juveniles.
- The eroding stream bank destroyed spawning habitat and reduced
- water quality for others in the ecosystem
- Construct an 80-ft long rock dike and backfill to restore the natural slope.
- Seed the bank and plant willows to prevent erosion.
- Place washed gravel in the adjacent shoal to create a potential spawning site.
- Stock with hatchery-reared fish.
The on-the-ground restoration is completed. In Phase II, an adjacent waterfowl pond will be renovated for use as
a grow out pond for fingerlings. Fish and habitat monitoring are
currently being conducted.
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