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Landowner Resources - NRCS Programs
Fact Sheets
General info on bog turtle published in Fact Sheet format
Information Materials
public)- this is where we can point other professionals and landowners Fact Sheets Priority Areas – need brief narrative on how the priority areas/focus areas were identified nationally and post maps Staff & Landowner Events – need brief narrative on the on-going technology transfer effort via series of workshops, outreach events, etc. (upcoming workshop dates on portal Calendar) NRCS Conservation Practices & Materials Conservation Practices Job Sheets Screening & Ranking Wildlife Habitat Evaluation Guide (WHEG) Other Guidance (Jess-I’d rather keep it simple and just give the list of Practices from the 2 proposals plus any additions since – do we really need this posted here by state since the states can add practices at will? Let Rose know! We need to post these other materials so all the field staff can access – they won’t have private access.) How to sign up!
A Natural Treasure: Florida's Sandhills & Grasslands
Learn how local and state partners with USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service have permanently protected a pristine sandhill grassland ecosystem in north-central Florida from rapidly advancing development.
National Association of State Foresters Weekly Newsletter March 12 2021
Forest & fire news from 34 states and beyond.
National Association of State Foresters Weekly Newsletter March 26 2021
2021 Smokey PSAs released, MS and WV announce new Forest Action Plans...
USDA Announces Additional Assistance for Cattle, Row Crop Producers
USDA announced today more than $12 billion for the Pandemic Assistance for Producers, which will help farmers and ranchers who previously did not qualify for COVID-19 aid and expand assistance to farmers who have already received help. Farmers who previously submitted CFAP applications will not have to apply again. Sign-up for the new program begins on April 5.
In the News
2016 Southeastern Forest Private Lands Partnership Forum
March 1, Pensacola, Florida Session Recommendations
Working Lands for Wildlife National Landowner Forum: Perspectives and Recommendations
In May 2016, 26 private landowners from across the country met in Denver, Colorado to talk with NRCS staff about what is working in the Working Lands for Wildlife partnership and what opportunities exist for improvement. Jointly coordinated by Partners for Conservation and NRCS, and including funding support from the Intermountain West Joint Venture, the 2-day meeting provided a forum to share stories of success and challenges in order to maximize outcomes with future opportunities.
LANDFIRE is Evolving: What to expect in 2021
The LANDFIRE Program is transitioning from bi-annual updates to annual product updates. By summer 2021, LANDFIRE will deliver updated vegetation and fuels spatial data sets reflecting disturbances submitted to the LANDFIRE Program or to national data bases that occurred in the years 2017, 2018 and 2019. Additionally, burn severity information from Monitoring Trends in Burn Severity (MTBS), Rapid Assessment of Vegetation Condition after Wildfire (RAVG) and Burned Area Reflectance Classification (BARC) will be included for all fires available between 2017-2019 at the time of production. Vegetation type, vegetation cover and vegetation height in areas that were not disturbed 2017 - 2019 will be identical to LF 2016 Remap. Like LF 2016 Remap, surface and canopy fuels data sets will be delivered as “Year Capable” products reflecting regrowth of vegetation and fuels up to the delivery year (2021) for areas identified as disturbed in the 10 years prior to 2021.
Impediments to Prescribed Burning: NRCS Interviews
NRCS contracted with NC State to conduct a series of interviews with NRCS state office and field staff, along with some key partners, to collect observations on major impediments to implementing prescribed burning on-the-ground. The Executive Summary is posted here; for a copy of the full report contact
Training Slide
Firefighters with Stanislaus Hot Shot Crew clear out vegetation to mitigate fire progression at the Donnell Fire, Stanislaus National Forest, California. (Forest Service by Cecilio Ricardo).
Scoping Phase RFP (2019)
Original Request for Proposals shared by the U.S. Endowment for Forestry and Communities, supporting the Scoping Phase of the SE FireMap project. *Document for reference purposes only, no longer active.
SE FireMap RFP - July 2019
SEFireMap Scoping RFP - circulated July, 2019.
Southeast Region
Firemap of SE Region
Fire Map Taylor Creek Klondike
Fire Map on the ground. From Forest Service Flickr site.
Woman with Drip Torch
Woman with Drip Torch (from Fact Sheet)
Photo credit: Jay Dirks