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National Association of State Foresters Weekly Newsletter November 11 2022

Weekly NASF Newsletter

Original Source


A farewell from NASF Communications Director Whitney Forman-Cook: What an awesome ride the last five years have been! I have thoroughly enjoyed working on behalf of state foresters and their staffs, and will always appreciate the opportunities NASF's members and partners have given me over my tenure.

My last day will be November 18th. I’ll join the Society of American Foresters’ team as their Chief Operations Officer (COO) on November 28th. As of Monday evening, NASF is actively recruiting for my replacement. If you or someone you know is interested in the position, please check out the job description linked here and below in the "Job Board" section of today's newsletter. Until the next Communications Director is hired, NASF's social channels and publications (including this weekly newsletter!) will be in great hands with Emilie Austin, NASF's communications coordinator. If you have submissions for our Job Board, please write to, and if you have questions related to NASF policy positions, please reach out to Robyn Whitney, NASF's policy director.
What this association is and represents is truly something special. I will miss it, its capable members, and its many partners very much! Please keep in touch. I'll look forward to our paths crossing in the future.

In Your State

Wildfire weapon: California aims to ignite 400,000 acres a year [Paradise Post]

Between 10 and 30 million acres of California’s landscape need some form of fuel reduction treatment—and burning is the most efficient approach. The state aims to burn 400,000 acres every year by 2025.

More from California:

(Blog) How wildfires have reversed California’s environmental gains [Healthy Forests Healthy Communities]

UC Berkeley researchers study damages to forests, wildlife [The Daily Californian]

Signs of a new tree mortality event showing up in the Sierra Nevada [Sierra Nevada Conservancy]