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The Literature Gateway Project

Literature Gateway

Forest management affects wildlife habitat by altering the structure and composition of vegetation communities. Every wildlife species uses a specific set of resources associated with different species and ages of forest trees (e.g., nesting cavities, den sites, acorn crops, fruit resources) to survive and reproduce. Forest managers, wildlife conservation groups, policy makers, and other stakeholders often need to review the literature on forest bird-vegetation relationships to inform decisions on natural resource management or ecosystem restoration. The literature gateway facilitates the exploration of this literature, helping users find references on a diverse range of management-relevant topics that have been compiled by subject experts based on searches of >60 different sources spanning the past 50+ years.

This literature gateway was inspired by a desire to better understand how broad changes in forest management practices might affect forest vegetation, and subsequently, populations of different bird species at regional scales. The Natural Resources Conservation Service funded a project to simulate long term, dynamic changes in forest landscape conditions and evaluate how these changes might effect bird populations. An initial step in this process is compiling and synthesizing the best available science on bird species-vegetation relationships. To do this, we chose to follow internationally-recognized guidance on the conduct of systematic reviews to compile all available literature on this topic in a systematic map, which we present here as an interactive data visualization.

The Literature Gateway Project

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