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Nevada Department of Wildlife

Nevada Department of Wildlife
Address 6980 Sierra Center Pkwy #120
City Reno
State / Province NV
Country USA
Postal Code 89511
Website Link to website
Phone (775) 688-1500
Fax (775) 688-1495
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The Nevada Department of Wildlife (NDOW) is the state agency responsible for the restoration and management of fish and wildlife resources, and the promotion of boating safety on Nevada’s waters. NDOW is organized into seven divisions (Conservation Education, Habitat, Game, Data and Technology Services, Law Enforcement, Wildlife Diversity and Fisheries) that develop programs and projects, and three regions (eastern, southern and western) that implement these programs.

WLFW , Wildlife Conservation , Western Landscapes , Nevada Department of Wildlife , State , Grasslands and Savannas , State Agencies , Nevada