Now Taking Applications! TN Shade Your Stream 2022 Grant Cycle
Funding Opp | Streambank Restoration in TN
American Fisheries Society Newsletter April 2022
AFS News: Recovering America's Wildlife Act Nears Floor Vote, Spokane Abstract Extension, Native Fish Need Natural Flows
Diverse Connections for Diverse Watersheds
Save the Date: 8th Annual Tennessee River Basin Network Conference.
New Plan Guides Conservation Action On America’s Central And Eastern Grasslands And Savannas
New Plan Guides Conservation Action on America’s Central and Eastern Grasslands and Savannas
South Atlantic Conservation Blueprint Newsletter March 2022
New SECAS coordinator, spring web forum schedule, progress on South Atlantic-->SECAS transition.
Stakeholder Webinar: Understanding the Human Dimensions of Private Lands Conservation and Management
Series of speakers on human dimensions of working with private landowners to effect conservation.
How a hurricane fueled wildfires in the Florida Panhandle
The wildfires that broke out in the Florida Panhandle in early March 2022 were the nightmare fire managers had feared since the day Hurricane Michael flattened millions of trees there in 2018. It might sound odd – hurricanes helping to fuel wildfires. But Michael’s 160 mph winds left tangles of dead trees that were ready to burn.
National Association of State Foresters Weekly Newsletter March 4, 2022
NASF launches Carbon Network webpage...
Conservation Design: An online geospatial portal
Conservation Design: An online geospatial portal
National Association of State Foresters Weekly Newsletter Feb 18, 2022
The Southeast enters wildfire season early...
American Fisheries Society Newsletter January 2022
AFS News: Spokane Symposium Proposal Deadline, Brook Trout Population Genetics, Recovering America's Wildlife Act Hearing
ARSN News: Please Help NC Reel In Interested Fisheries Professionals
This is YOUR CHANCE come snorkel with the hellbenders!!!
South Atlantic Third Thursday Web Forum
Join us on Thursday for a presentation by Mark Anderson and Melissa Clark of TNC's Center for Resilient Conservation Science Team.
Tennessee River Basin Network Year in Review 2021
Funding Opportunities & Resources
Webinar: Native Warm-Season Grass Forages and Grazing Management for Bobwhites
Join us for a two-day webinar discussing native warm-season grass forages in the eastern U.S. and integrating grazing management for Northern Bobwhites.
Landscape Partnership Flagship Newsletter 2021
Welcome to the Landscape Partnership!
NRCS in Florida Announces Agricultural Conservation Easement Program Signup
The USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) in Florida has announced they are accepting applications from agricultural producers and forest landowners for the Agricultural Conservation Easement Program (ACEP). While NRCS does accept ACEP applications year-round, producers and landowners should apply by December 31, 2021 to be considered for funding in the current cycle.
Urban Forestry Grants Revitalize Communities
DOVER, Del. — The Delaware Urban and Community Forestry Program has awarded $135,193 for 36 tree projects through its annual grant program, which offers up to $5,000 for projects on public land and community open space. All municipalities, homeowner associations, and certified nonprofits in Delaware can apply. Since it began, the program has provided over 588 grants for more than $1.86 million and planted more than 16,000 trees. The goal is to help communities increase tree canopy and promote the natural benefits of trees: cleaner air and water, increased property values and civic pride, and reduced storm water runoff and flooding.
Flagler County Land Management assists Central Florida Prescribed Fire Council instructing wildland fire training class in Apopka
Twenty-one students from nine different organizations across the state of Florida participated in the training.
Sometimes, the simplest things can help wildlife
Sad to say, but that wide-open home on the range that Bing Crosby sings about in Brewster Higley’s “Home on the Range” has been steadily diminishing with every passing decade as the Western landscape has been sliced and diced by roads and barbed-wire fences.