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Brook Trout Current Probability of Occurrence

This dataset represents the probability of occurrence of brook trout in headwater creeks based on current habitat and climate conditions. Brook trout are a representative species for cool/cold headwater creeks. This layer was derived from a model developed by Ben Letcher and associates at the USGS Conte Anadromous Fish Lab. Specifically, this index represents the species' current probability of occurrence, presented as an integerized range from 0 (low=0% probability of occurrence) to 100 (high=100 % probability of occurrence). The brook trout probability of occurrence model is applied only to headwater creeks. Note, the brook trout current probability of occurrence is analogous to the landscape capability index developed for representative terrestrial wildlife species; it represents the suitability of habitat and climate conditions today. This index is an input into the selection of core areas in headwater creeks along with the Index of Ecological Integrity.

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Content Date 2010
Publication Date 2015
Data Type Raster
Resolution 30 meter
Status Complete
Creator Organization University of Massachusetts; USGS Conte Anadromous Fish Lab