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You are here: Home / Cooperative / Our Plan / Section 3. Management Capacity Within the Appalachian Community / Mid-Atlantic Highlands Action Program

Mid-Atlantic Highlands Action Program

The Mid-Atlantic Highlands Action Program (HAP;, established by Congress in July 2001, encompasses 79,000 square miles in the Central Appalachians of Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia. It is a collaborative between EPA, local communities, state and local government, other federal agencies, nongovernmental organizations, research institutions, and the private sector to carry out monitoring, research, management, and restoration activities within the region. The goals of the program are to improve water quality, living resources, and habitat, and to foster stewardship of resources through an outreach program for public information and education.  HAP uses the best available science to improve the natural resources and socio-economic conditions in the Mid-Atlantic Highlands by achieving the following program goals:

  • Highlighting, protecting, and conserving special places that have ecological and cultural importance;
  • Highlighting important connections between these special places;
  • Revitalizing damaged ecosystems especially in key ecological corridors;
  • Empowering citizens and communities to strengthen the linkages among cultural heritage, economic viability and the condition of the environment;
  • Enhancing opportunities for the restoration industry in the Highlands, which will enhance lasting employment opportunities for its residents; and
  • Leveraging existing resources to support all these goals.