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Alaska Boreal Interior
Alaska Tundra
Atlantic Highlands
Boreal Cordillera
Brooks Range Tundra
Central USA Plains
Cold Deserts
Marine West Coast Forest
Mediterranean California
Mississippi Alluvial and Southeast USA Coastal Plains
Mixed Wood Plains
Mixed Wood Shield
Ozark/Ouachita-Appalachian Forests
South Central Semiarid Prairies
Southeastern USA Plains
Taiga Cordillera
Tamaulipas-Texas Semiarid Plain
Temperate Prairies
Texas-Louisiana Coastal Plain
Upper Gila Mountains
Warm Deserts
West-Central Semiarid Prairies
Western Cordillera
Western Sierra Madre Piedmont

Aquatics: Fish

Recreational/Game fisheries
Non-Game/Native fish conservation
Commercial fisheries
Diadromous fish

Aquatics: Invertebrates

Benthic Macroinvertebrates
Other Aq. invertebrates

Aquatics: Plants

Aquatic Plants

Terrestrial: Invertebrates

Insects (incl. butterfly/moth)

Terrestrial: Vertebrates

Small mammals
Large and game mammals

Terrestrial: Plants

Terrestrial Plants - Commercial
Terrestrial Plants - Rare or endemic

Aquatic: Freshwater Systems

River/stream ecology
Cave/karst ecology
Wetland ecology
Hydrology and geomorphology
Reservoirs and Lakes

Aquatic: Coastal/Marine Systems


Terrestrial: Native Systems

Early successional forest
Lowland/mesic forests
Upland/mixed forest
High altitude forest
Disturbance-dependent communities (e.g., fire-dependent forests, etc.)
Longleaf Pine Ecology
Longleaf Pine Growth & Yield
Fire Ecology

Terrestrial: Human Landscapes

Soil/range science
Urban systems (natural systems within highly urbanized areas?)
Agro ecosystems
Parks and Recreation

Monitoring - Natural - Abiotic Systems

Aquatic systems/resources (incl. instream flow)
Terrestrial systems/resources (incl. geochemical, nutrients)
Atmospheric (incl. chem. deposition)

Monitoring - Natural - Biotic Systems

Population biology and demographics (incl. biometrics/biostatistics)
Population genetics and systematics
Disease surveillance

Tools - Landscape-level (land-use change) and Analysis

Geospatial (GIS)
Remote sensing (LiDAR)
Remote sensing and photo interpretation (cartography, etc.)

Tools - Landscape-level Modeling / IT Programming (language)

Spatial Modeling (connectivity, reserve selection, landscape permeability)

Data - Data Information & Management

Data/information systems (design and management)

Conservation Delivery - Habitat Restoration

Rivers/Streams - Instream Habitat
Rivers/Streams - Streambank/Riparian
Living Shorelines/Shoreline Restoration
Reef Restoration
Reservoirs and Lakes
Forest/natural cover management, restoration
Open grassland and shrub/natural cover management, restoration

Response - Abiotic Environmental Threats / Contaminants


Response - Biotic Environmental Threats (incl. invasive species & disease)

Aquatic Invasive plant
Aquatic Invasive animal
Terrestrial Plant pest/pathogen/disease
Terrestrial Animal pest/pathogen/disease
Zoonotic diseases

Design - Habitat Design & Landscape-level Planning (for Management Objectives)

Watershed and water delivery management (dams, reservoirs) (incl. dam removal/fish passage)
Cultural landscapes
Urban development (incl. zoning)
Transportation planning
Recreational planning/use
Energy development (coal)
Energy development (gas)
Energy development (natural gas)
Energy development (wind)

Design - Conservation Policy Implementation (planning, consultation, guidance)

ESA (threatened and endangered species)
Clean Water
Clean Air

Climate Science

Climate/Earth and Atmospheric Science
Modeling (incl. Down-scale climate, Coupled, Niche-envelope modeling)
Adaptation (management response and facilitation)

Social Science and Communications Knowledge - Monitoring and Assessment

Social valuation (application of social science tools and analysis)
(Assessing) Ecosystem services and Environmental Benefits (non-monetized)

Social Science and Communications Knowledge - Response: Engagement & Communication

Citizen Science (program management)
Environmental education, interpretation, and educational outreach
Communication, media relations, social media
Community relations, facilitation, conflict resolution
Structured decision-making and risk-management analysis

Social Science and Communications Knowledge - Response: Policy Dialogue and Implementation

National cultural resource/preservation
Congressional Outreach

Social Science and Communications Knowledge - Cultural Resource Management & Research

Historic Structures (Management, Preservation, Restoration)
Physical Anthropology/Archeology
Social Anthropology (incl. linguistics)/Sociology
Museum Resources (Curation and Information Mgmt)
History/Cultural Research
Native American and Tribal Relations/Studies

Social Science and Communications Knowledge - Cultural & Economic-based Communities

Appalachia (Cultural Communities)
Coal Mining Communities
Farming/Ranching Communities
Pennsylvania Dutch/Amish/Mennonite
Rural Communities
Waterman/Coastal Communities
Recreational Industry

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