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Colorado River Mussels
Six at-risk mussels that inhabit the Colorado River basin in Texas – false spike, Texas fatmucket, golden orb, smooth pimpleback, Texas pimpleback and Texas fawnsfoot – have suffered declines.
American Black Duck
The American Black Duck Partner Website was funded for NRCS and its partners to collaborate in support of private landowners to implement the Working Lands for Wildlife partnership.
Southwestern Willow Flycatcher
This small songbird needs lush riparian vegetation to thrive. Improving the health of these areas benefits the flycatcher and lots of other wildlife.
Lesser Prairie-Chicken
These upland birds are an icon of the Southern Great Plains. We're working to make sure they thrive through win-win, voluntary conservation.
Golden-Winged Warbler
The Golden-Winged Warbler Partner website was funded for NRCS and its partners to collaborate in support of private landowners to implement Working Lands for Wildlife partnership
Bog Turtle
The Bog Turtle Partner Website was funded for NRCS and its partners to collaborate in support of private landowners to implement Working Lands for Wildlife partnership.
These workspaces will be used to draft training materials, unedited videos, and other content not yet ready for broader sharing, as well as store some materials that may be sensitive for immediate or near-term sharing.
Partner Workspace
This space is meant to be user-friendly. We hope you can find other partners here, share information and training materials, and enhance each other's capability to achieve large-scale change in working landscapes. The workspace can be used to draft training materials, unedited videos, and other content not yet ready for broader sharing, as well as store some materials that may be sensitive for immediate or near-term sharing.
This space will be used to draft training materials, unedited videos, and other content not yet ready for broader sharing, as well as store some materials that may be sensitive for immediate or near-term sharing. Workshop Teams WLFW-Pine Savannah Workshop Materials Logistics Planning Lists of Workshop Attendees Workshop Input & Feedback Input (pre-workshop coordination) Feedback WLFW-Grasslands Workshop Materials Logistics Planning Lists of Workshop Attendees Workshop Input & Feedback Input (pre-workshop coordination) Feedback Documents in Progress WHEGs Job sheets Outreach Materials Partnership Development On-going Research Funded UGA-2018 UT-2018 Datasets GIS Products Other Tools
Partner Workspace
This space is meant to be user-friendly. We hope you can find other partners here, share information and training materials, and enhance each other's capability to achieve large-scale change in working landscapes. The workspace can be used to draft training materials, unedited videos, and other content not yet ready for broader sharing, as well as store some materials that may be sensitive for immediate or near-term sharing.
This space is meant to be user-friendly. We hope you can find other partners here, share information and training materials, and enhance each other's capability to achieve large-scale change in working landscapes. The workspace can be used to draft training materials, unedited videos, and other content not yet ready for broader sharing, as well as store some materials that may be sensitive for immediate or near-term sharing.
Bog Turtle Partner Website
This space will be used to draft training materials, unedited videos, and other content not yet ready for broader sharing, as well as store some materials that may be sensitive for immediate or near-term sharing. Workshop Teams WLFW-Pine Savannah Workshop Materials Logistics Planning Lists of Workshop Attendees Workshop Input & Feedback Input (pre-workshop coordination) Feedback WLFW-Grasslands Workshop Materials Logistics Planning Lists of Workshop Attendees Workshop Input & Feedback Input (pre-workshop coordination) Feedback Documents in Progress WHEGs Job sheets Outreach Materials Partnership Development On-going Research Funded UGA-2018 UT-2018 Datasets GIS Products Other Tools
Partner Workspace
This space is meant to be user-friendly. We hope you can find other partners here, share information and training materials, and enhance each other's capability to achieve large-scale change in working landscapes. The workspace can be used to draft training materials, unedited videos, and other content not yet ready for broader sharing, as well as store some materials that may be sensitive for immediate or near-term sharing.
This space will be used to draft training materials, unedited videos, and other content not yet ready for broader sharing, as well as store some materials that may be sensitive for immediate or near-term sharing. Workshop Teams WLFW-Pine Savannah Workshop Materials Logistics Planning Lists of Workshop Attendees Workshop Input & Feedback Input (pre-workshop coordination) Feedback WLFW-Grasslands Workshop Materials Logistics Planning Lists of Workshop Attendees Workshop Input & Feedback Input (pre-workshop coordination) Feedback Documents in Progress WHEGs Job sheets Outreach Materials Partnership Development On-going Research Funded UGA-2018 UT-2018 Datasets GIS Products Other Tools
This space will be used to draft training materials, unedited videos, and other content not yet ready for broader sharing, as well as store some materials that may be sensitive for immediate or near-term sharing. Workshop Teams WLFW-Pine Savannah Workshop Materials Logistics Planning Lists of Workshop Attendees Workshop Input & Feedback Input (pre-workshop coordination) Feedback WLFW-Grasslands Workshop Materials Logistics Planning Lists of Workshop Attendees Workshop Input & Feedback Input (pre-workshop coordination) Feedback Documents in Progress WHEGs Job sheets Outreach Materials Partnership Development On-going Research Funded UGA-2018 UT-2018 Datasets GIS Products Other Tools
Monarch Butterfly
NRCS is working with America's farmers, ranchers, and forest managers on voluntary conservation efforts to combat the decline of monarchs on private lands by establishing new habitat and managing existing habitat for monarchs and pollinators.
Gopher Tortoise
NRCS offers technical and financial assistance to help agricultural producers voluntarily conserve gopher tortoise habitat on private lands. This assistance helps producers plan and implement a variety of conservation activities, or practices, that benefit the tortoise and support forestry operations.
Poster Presentation: Seeing Past the Green: Quantifying the Characteristics of High-graded Forests
Download the Poster Presentation for "Seeing Past the Green: Quantifying the Characteristics of HIgh-Graded Forests