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WLFW West Newsletter August 2024
Publication Alert: Grazing and Grazers Support Pollinators’ Critical Role in Ecology
Published Materials
Written materials on Grasslands and Savannas that could be relevant to technical partners and/or landowners and community members -- including factsheets, reports, and articles
WLFW West Newsletter July 2024
Invasive Annual Grasses Resources | NRCS Helps Ranchers
News from SECAS July 2024 Newsletter
Save the date for Oct-Nov Blueprint workshops, SECAS helps with Wildlife Action Plans, the value of Sentinel Landscapes.
Southeast Conservation Adaptation Strategy (SECAS) Newsletter
SECAS brings together public and private organizations around a bold vision for the future of our region. We're connecting the lands and waters of the Southeast and Caribbean to support healthy ecosystems, thriving fish and wildlife populations, and vibrant communities. With a data-driven spatial plan and an ambitious regional goal, SECAS helps accelerate conservation action in the places where it will make the biggest impact.
Myth Busters: Learn the Facts about the Emergency Forest Restoration Program
The Emergency Forest Restoration Program (EFRP) provides technical and financial assistance to owners of nonindustrial private forestland whose forestland was damaged by a qualifying natural disaster event.
Our Aquatic Producers
Our Aquatic Producers
How to Apply to NRCS Programs
Information about how to apply for NRCS programs.
How to Enroll
Journal Article - Teske et al. 2021
Using the Landsat Burned Area Products to Derive Fire History Relevant for Fire Management and Conservation in the State of Florida, Southeastern USA
Burned Area Polys
Contains annual feature layers representing burn detections for any given year.
Burned Area Rasters
Contains annual raster layers representing burn detections and data masks for any given year.
USDA Service Center Locator
Find a local USDA Service Center
USDA Service Center Locator
Find a local USDA Service Center
Apps, Maps, and Data