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Public Safety
Risk Assessment
Assessing wildfire risk is important for natural resource managers, communities, and others with an interest in mitigating that risk. Wildfire risk assessment allows stakeholders to coordinate risk reduction projects, including prescribed fire, and to work with each other to better prepare for wildfires.
Risk Assessment
The Southeast has a complex fire environment unlike any other in the nation. While fire has long played a critical role in the landscape and ecosystems across the Southeast, it is becoming increasingly difficult for agencies, organizations, and landowners to plan for and respond effectively to wildfire, while protecting vulnerable communities and providing for firefighter safety.
Wildfire Recovery
Fire Mapping
Maps are an essential tool in fire management because they describe, in a spatial context, factors that help fire managers effectively plan, allocate, and mobilize both suppression and prescribed burn resources. Under Regional Fire Mapping you will find information on the Southeast (SE) FireMap, a project funded by USDA-NRCS and managed by The Endowment for Forestry and Communities and the Longleaf Alliance.
Prescribed Burning
Prescribed fire, also known as controlled burning, refers to the controlled application of fire to help restore health to fire-adapted environments, benefitting wildlife and timber values. Prescribed fire reintroduces the beneficial effects of fire into an ecosystem, producing the kinds of vegetation and landscapes we want, and reducing the hazard of catastrophic wildfire caused by excessive fuel buildup.
Prescribed Burning Collection
Prescribed fire, also known as controlled burning, refers to the controlled application of fire to help restore health to fire-adapted environments, benefitting wildlife and timber values.
2020.06.30 Scoping Webinar Discussion
2020.06.30 Scoping Webinar Discussion
Please utilize this forum space to capture your feedback/comments stemming from our June 30th Scoping Webinar.  Here is a link to the associated meeting records. If you have any questions or issues, let me know and I can walk you through how to comment, link, upload documents, etc.Thanks! 850-776-7288
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Innovation in Fire Tools, Thinking & Approaches