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Regional Fire Mapping Image
A researcher flies a custom UAV with an attached thermal camera used to map fire intensity at Tall Timbers Research Station. Photo: David Godwin, Southern Fire Exchange / University of Florida.
Longleaf Legacy Landscape Viewer
The Longleaf Legacy Landscape Viewer (LLLV) is a Tall Timbers web mapping application showcasing broad potential uses for the Florida Fires database built by Tall Timbers for the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. The map viewer provides fire history, species habitat and land cover data generalized to a 10-acre hexgrid covering the tri-state Longleaf Legacy Landscape area. The data is best used at large scales for display and query purposes.
Longleaf Legacy Landscape Viewer Image
Longleaf Legacy Landscape Viewer Image
Longleaf Legacy Landscape Viewer
Regional Fire Mapping
Policy and Regulations
Federal fire policy requires that agencies incorporate fire as a critical natural process into their land and resource management plans and activities on a landscape scale and across agency boundaries (NIFC)
Other Fire Policy Topics
Assessing Liability as an Impediment to Fire Use
Insurance Industry
Laws & Policies
Practitioner Information
If you are a prescribed fire practitioner, there is a lot of information you need to know. Luckily, if you work for an agency, much of that information will be provided to you. However, if you are new to fire, or do not work for an agency, you can find much of this information online, or gain experience by working with mentors, other practitioners, or Prescribed Burn Association (PBA) members.
Practitioner Information
Prescribed Fire Councils
Prescribed Fire Councils (PFCs) allow private landowners, fire practitioners, agencies, non-governmental organizations, policymakers, regulators, and other stakeholders to network and share information related to prescribed fire; however, the purpose of each PFC differs based on their state’s needs.
Prescribed Fire Councils Page
Prescribed Burn Associations
Prescribed Burn Associations (PBAs) are groups of landowners and other interested people who form partnerships to pool their knowledge, equipment, and other resources to conduct prescribed fires. It can be very difficult for private landowners to gain the hands-on training needed to safely and effectively use prescribed fire.
Prescribed Burn Associations
Technical and Financial Assistance
Technical and Financial assistance is available to private forest landowners for prescribed burning from a variety of agencies and programs. In many states, state forestry agency professionals and private consultants are available to help burn your land, oftentimes for a fee, but which can be offset through the financial assistance programs.
Re: General Scoping Recommendations/Discussion
  Initial thoughts on review paper shared by David Godwin - highlighting remote sensing methods/tech supporting wildland fire assessments; published April 30th, 2020. Great discussion of active fire VS fire effects mapping  - tradeoffs of temporality vs resolution Interesting to consider potential geostationary satellite data as a resource - not sure if even viable/available in the SE FireMap "mission footprint"? May want to explore the referenced GEE algorithm for  processing Landsat (8?) & Sentinel-2 data in scoping process. What type of machine learning, AI, neural network, etc., products out there could support an improved SE FireMap?  Would it be sensible to consider potential integration of  LIDAR, SAR, Optical fusion, etc. in training RS algorithms for SE FireMap?  
Lucas Furman on Satellite Remote Sensing Contributions to Wildland Fire Science and Management
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