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TOT Charter (2019)
The Charter for Technical Oversight Team membership - highlighting purpose, enduring membership, responsibilities and avoidance of conflicting interests.
TOT Announcement (2019)
The 2019 news release published by the Natural Resources Conservation Service and U.S Endowment for Forestry and Communities, announcing membership of the SEFireMap TOT.
TOT Statement of Interest (2019)
Original Statement of Interest for participation in the SEFireMap Technical Oversight Team.
Contact Us
AMJV Timber Harvest Virtual Tours
These 360° Virtual Tour videos from Appalachian Mountains Joint Venture partners show different timber harvest techniques and their outcomes. Simply click and drag within the video to look around as you learn about different management techniques such as shelterwood harvests, overstory removals, and midstory removals that benefit many wildlife species including the Golden-winged Warbler. Includes 5 total videos.
Golden-winged Warbler Ecology and Guidelines for Creating Breeding Habitat Presentation
Presented by Jeff Larkin, Ph.D., Indiana University of Pennsylvania, and Marja Bakermans, Ph.D., Postdoctoral Researcher, Indiana University of Pennsylvania The Golden-winged Warbler is a neo-tropical migrant that breeds in early successional habitats of North America. This imperiled songbird has experienced a 90%+ population decline in the Appalachian region over the past 50 years. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is currently considering listing this species under the Endangered Species Act. The recent completion of a study in portions of Pennsylvania and Maryland provided the foundation of a Golden-winged Warbler Forestland BMP publication. These BMP's have potential for implementation through Farm Bill programs on private lands. Learn more by viewing this webinar. The opinions expressed in this video are those of the presenter(s) and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of USDA.
Technical Oversight Team (TOT)
Information about the SE FireMap's TOT. Approved via a formal request to the candidates’ agencies and/or organizations, the TOT will follow this project through all phases of development, serving as an advisory group providing technical review and input. The TOT is comprised of subject matter experts from across partnerships and includes contractors with specific skill sets not otherwise available. The TOT’s role will be advisory to NRCS and the Endowment
Bog Turtle
Bog turtles are one of North America's smallest turtles, measuring 3.5 - 4.5 inches in shell length
Drip Torch
Photo Credit: Jay Dirks
Information Materials
public)- this is where we can point other professionals and landowners Fact Sheets Priority Areas – need brief narrative on how the priority areas/focus areas were identified nationally and post maps Staff & Landowner Events – need brief narrative on the on-going technology transfer effort via series of workshops, outreach events, etc. (upcoming workshop dates on portal Calendar) NRCS Conservation Practices & Materials Conservation Practices Job Sheets Screening & Ranking Wildlife Habitat Evaluation Guide (WHEG) Other Guidance (Jess-I’d rather keep it simple and just give the list of Practices from the 2 proposals plus any additions since – do we really need this posted here by state since the states can add practices at will? Let Rose know! We need to post these other materials so all the field staff can access – they won’t have private access.) How to sign up!
Other Guidance
Wildlife Habitat Evaluation Guide (WHEG)
Job Sheets
Conservation Practices
NRCS Conservation Practices & Materials