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WLFW Outcomes: Funded Research (post UT S2S and I can create 1-page summaries of SOWs for other 2 - Bridgett) Peer-reviewed Science
Peer-reviewed Science
[any published articles on GWWA or their habitats that you are aware of or can do find and save here but only if you can avoid copywrite conflicts]
Peer-reviewed Science
WLFW Outcomes: Funded Research
[post SOWs or completed deliverables) [This would be from CEAP studies.]
WLFW Outcomes: Funded Research
WLFW Outcomes: NRCS-Funded Research and Special Projects
WLFW Northern Bobwhite, Grasslands and Savannas Framework for Conservation Action Image
WLFW Northern Bobwhite, Grasslands and Savannas Framework for Conservation Action Image for Background button.
Conservation Corridor February 2023 Newsletter
Connecting science to conservation.
SQT Expert Feedback - RECORDING
Recording of a meeting with experts in Hellbender research to gather feedback on the draft Hellbender Stream Quantification Tool (SQT).
Bobscapes Images
Northern Bobwhite logo
Northern Bobwhite logo
GameLab Martin
GameLab Martin logo
Quail Forever logo
Quail Forever logo
How Western States can Encourage Prescribed Burning on Private Lands
Burn Back Better: How Western States Can Encourage Prescribed Fire on Private Lands provides an analysis of western state policies and focused recommendations to help increase private lands prescribed fire. Released in January 2023, the report is a collaboration between the Property and Environment Research Center (PERC), the national leader in creating market solutions for conservation, and Tall Timbers.
SE FireMap Phase 2 Proposal - Public Version
Phase II "Development" proposal jointly submitted by Tall Timbers Research Station and USGS. Financial information has been removed to accommodate sharing. This proposal was approved for funding by NRCS via direct agreements in November, 2022. Initial deliverables are anticipated in March, 2023 and the agreement performance period ends in 2026.
Prescribed Burn Contractor Database
Many states in the South provide online vendor databases for prescribed burning either on the state forestry agency website, or through the Prescribed Fire Council. On these sites, prescribed burn contractors can add their business to a list where private landowners can then search the database to find a contractor who offers prescribed burning in their area.
Prescribed Burn Contractor Database
Many states in the South provide online vendor databases for prescribed burning either on the state forestry agency website, or through the Prescribed Fire Council. On these sites, prescribed burn contractors can add their business to a list where private landowners can then search the database to find a contractor who offers prescribed burning in their area.