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Climate Science Document Library 2011

Title Description
Plant species richness: the world records Questions: The co-existence of high numbers of species has always fascinated ecologists, but what and where are the communities with the world records for plant...
Global Biodiversity Conservation and the Alleviation of Poverty Poverty and biodiversity loss are two of the world’s dire challenges. Claims of conservation’s contribution to poverty alleviation, however, remain controve...
Creation of a Gilded Trap by the High Economic Value of the Maine Lobster Fishery Unsustainable fishing simplifies food chains and, as with aquaculture, can result in reliance on a few economically valuable species. This lack of diversity may...
Buried by bad decisions From the text: Alas, research shows that when human beings make decisions, they tend to focus on what they are getting and forget about what we are forgoing.
Not All About Consumption Resource exploitation can lead to increased ecological impacts even when overall consumption levels stay the same 15 March 2013 VOL 339 SCIENCE
The material footprint of nations Metrics on resource productivity currently used by governments suggest that some developed countries have increased the use of natural resources at a slower rat...
A megacity in a changing climate: the case of Kolkata Projections by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change suggest that there will be an increase in the frequency and intensity of climate extremes in the 21...
Management practices increase the impact of roads on plant communities in forests The question of the interaction between management practices and road effects on forest biodiversity is of critical interest for sustainable practices and the c...
Ecosystem Processes and Human Influences Regulate Streamflow Response to Climate Change at Long-Term Ecological Research Sites Analyses of long-term records at 35 headwater basins in the United States and Canada indicate that climate change effects on streamflow are not as clear as migh...
The 2010 Amazon Drought Several global circulation models (GCMs) project an increase in the frequency and severity of drought events affecting the Amazon region as a consequence of ...
Historical Evaluation and Future Prediction of Eastern North American and Western Atlantic Extratropical Cyclones in the CMIP5 Models during the Cool Season Extratropical cyclone track density, genesis frequency, deepening rate, and maximum intensity distributions over eastern North America and the western North Atl...
Incorporating climate change adaptation into national conservation assessments The Convention on Biological Diversity requires that member nations establish protected area networks that are representative of the country’s biodiversity. T...
Climate change and the invasion of California by grasses Over the next century, changes in the global climate are expected to have major consequences for plant communities, possibly including the exacerbation of speci...
Timing of climate variability and grassland productivity Future climates are forecast to include greater precipitation variability and more frequent heat waves, but the degree to which the timing of climate variabilit...
Extreme Weather Events in Europe: preparing for climate change adaptation This study arises from the concern that changes in weather patterns will be one of the principal effects of climate change and with these will come extreme weat...
Sea-level and salinity fluctuations during the Paleocene–Eocene thermal maximum in Arctic Spitsbergen Palaeoenvironmental manifestations of the Paleocene–Eocene thermal maximum (PETM; ~ 56 Ma) are relatively well documented in low- to mid-latitude settings and...
Politics for the day after tomorrow: The logic of apocalypse in global climate politics The recent global climate change discourse is a prominent example of a securitization of environmental issues. While the problem is often framed in the languag...
Anthropogenic environments exert variable selection on cranial capacity in mammals It is thought that behaviourally flexible species will be able to cope with novel and rapidly changing environments associated with human activity. However, it ...