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Climate Science Document Library 2011

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T_Root-Local adaption.pdf
Effects of Urbanization and Climate Change on Stream Health Estimation of stream health involves the analysis of changes in aquatic species, riparian vegetation, microinvertebrates, and channel degradation due to hydrolo...
Comment: Don’t judge species on their origins SUMMARY: Conservationists should assess organisms on environmental impact rather than on whether they are natives, argue Mark Davis and 18 other ecologists. FRO...
Beyond Reserves and Corridors: Policy Solutions to Facilitate the Movement of Plants and Animals in a Changing Climate As the Earth’s climate changes, many species will have to move across human-dominated landscapes to track suitable climates and changing ecosystems. Given the...
Drought, disease, defoliation and death: forest pathogens as agents of past vegetation change The temperate and boreal forests of Europe and North America have been subject to repeated pathogen (fungal disease and phytophagus insect) outbreaks over the l...
Experimental studies of dead-wood biodiversity — A review identifying global gaps in knowledge The importance of dead wood for biodiversity is widely recognized but strategies for conservation exist only in some regions worldwide. Most strategies combine ...
Herb layer extinction debt in highly fragmented temperate forests – Completely paid after 160 years? The time-delayed extinction of plant species following habitat fragmentation is a well-known phenomenon in ecology. The length of the relaxation time until this...
Migrating Like a Herd of Cats: Climate Change and Emerging Forests in British Columbia We combine climate tolerances of tree species with probable changes in insect, disease, fire, and other abiotic factors to describe probable changes in distribu...
How does climate change cause extinction? Anthropogenic climate change is predicted to be a major cause of species extinctions in the next 100 years. But what will actually cause these extinctions? For ...
Diffusion into new markets: evolving customer segments in the solar photovoltaics market The US residential solar market is growing quickly, and as solar adoption diffuses into new populations, later adopters may differ significantly from earlier on...
Integrating multiple lines of evidence into historical biogeography hypothesis testing: a Bison bison case study One of the grand goals of historical biogeography is to understand how and why species’ population sizes and distributions change over time. Multiple types of...
Do alternative energy sources displace fossil fuels? A fundamental, generally implicit, assumption of the Intergov- ernmental Panel on Climate Change reports and many energy analysts is that each unit of energy su...
Tree mortality from drought, insects, and their interactions in a changing climate Climate change is expected to drive increased tree mortality through drought, heat stress, and insect attacks, with manifold impacts on forest ecosystems. Yet, ...
Persistent reduced ecosystem respiration after insect disturbance in high elevation forests Amid a worldwide increase in tree mortality, mountain pine beetles (Dendroctonus ponderosae Hopkins) have led to the death of billions of trees from Mexico to A...
Projected increase in lightning strikes in the United States due to global warming Lightning plays an important role in atmospheric chemistry and in the initiation of wildfires, but the impact of global warming on lightning rates is poorly con...
International trade drives biodiversity threats in developing nations Human activities are causing Earth’s sixth major extinction event1— an accelerating decline of the world’s stocks of biological diversity at rates 100 to ...
Annual plants change in size over a century of observations Abstract Studies have documented changes in animal body size over the last century, but very little is known about changes in plant sizes, even though reduced ...
The beaver meadow complex revisited – the role of beavers in post-glacial floodplain development We evaluate the validity of the beaver-meadow complex hypothesis, used to explain the deposition of extensive fine sediment in broad, low-gradient valleys. Prev...
Natural and anthropogenic variations in methane sources during the past two millennia Methane is an important greenhouse gas that is emitted from multiple natural and anthropogenic sources. Atmospheric methane concentrations have varied on a numb...
Bias in the attribution of forest carbon sinks A substantial fraction of the terrestrial carbon sink, past and present, may be incorrectly attributed to environmental change rather than changes in forest man...