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Climate Science Document Library 2010

Title Description
Plant Species Richness and Ecosystem Multifunctionality in Global Drylands Experiments suggest that biodiversity enhances the ability of ecosystems to maintain multiple functions, such as carbon storage, productivity, and the buildup ...
Fluvial landscapes of the Harappan civilization The collapse of the Bronze Age Harappan, one of the earliest urban civilizations, remains an enigma. Urbanism flourished in the western region of the Indo-Gange...
Effects of grazing on grassland soil carbon: a global review Soils of grasslands represent a large potential reservoir for storing CO2, but this potential likely depends on how grasslands are managed for large mammal graz...
WHY FORESTS ARE PIVOTAL IN PLANNING FOR CLIMATE CHANGE 17 slides show carbon-forest relationships including logging and carbon in US forests
Global declines in oceanic nitrification rates as a consequence of ocean acidification Ocean acidification produced by dissolution of anthropogenic carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions in seawater has profound conse- quences for marine ecology and bioge...
Unburnable Carbon – Are the world’s financial markets carrying a carbon bubble? The Carbon Tracker initiative is a new way of looking at the carbon emissions problem. It is focused on the fossil fuel reserves held by publically listed com...
Dramatically increasing chance of extremely hot summers since the 2003 European heatwave Socio-economic stress from the unequivocal warming of the global climate system(1)could be mostly felt by societies through weather and climate extremes (2). Th...
Assemblage Time Series Reveal Biodiversity Change but Not Systematic Loss The extent to which biodiversity change in local assemblages contributes to global biodiversity loss is poorly understood. We analyzed 100 time series from bio...
Stop misuse of biodiversity offsets Governments should not meet existing conservation targets using the compensation that developers pay for damaging biodiversity, say Martine Maron and colleagues...
Increase in forest water-use efficiency as atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations rise Terrestrial plants remove CO2 from the atmosphere through photo- synthesis, a process that is accompanied by the loss of water vapour from leaves1. The ratio of...
Biodiversity gains from efficient use of private sponsorship for flagship species conservation To address the global extinction crisis, both efficient use of existing conservation funding and new sources of funding are vital. Private sponsorship of charis...
1.5°C or 2°C: a conduit’s view from the science-policy interface at COP20 in Lima, Peru An average global 2°C warming compared to pre-industrial times is commonly understood as the most important target in climate policy negotiations. It is a temp...
Not All About Consumption Resource exploitation can lead to increased ecological impacts even when overall consumption levels stay the same 15 March 2013 VOL 339 SCIENCE
A drought-induced pervasive increase in tree mortality across Canada’s boreal forests Drought-induced tree mortality is expected to increase worldwide under projected future climate changes (1–4). The Canadian boreal forests, which occupy about...
Regional carbon dioxide implications of forest bioenergy production Strategies for reducing carbon dioxide emissions include substitution of fossil fuel with bioenergy from forests1, where carbon emitted is expected to be recapt...
Regional carbon dioxide implications of forest bioenergy production Strategies for reducing carbon dioxide emissions include substitution of fossil fuel with bioenergy from forests1, where carbon emitted is expected to be recapt...
Saturation-state sensitivity of marine bivalve larvae to ocean acidification Ocean acidification results in co-varying inorganic carbon system variables. Of these, an explicit focus on pH and organismal acid–base regulation has failed ...
Estimating the global conservation status of more than 15,000 Amazonian tree species Estimates of extinction risk for Amazonian plant and animal species are rare and not often incorporated into land-use policy and conservation planning. We overl...