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Climate Science Document Library 2010

Title Description
Human land-use-driven reduction of forest volatiles cools global climate Human conversion of forest ecosystems to agriculture is a major driver of global change. Conventionally, the impacts of the historical cropland expansion on Ear...
Comment:Nuclear winter is a real and present danger Models show that even a ‘small’ nuclear war would cause catastrophic climate change. Such findings must inform policy, says Alan Robock.
Transformational adaptation when incremental adaptations to climate change are insufficient All human–environment systems adapt to climate and its natural variation. Adaptation to human-induced change in climate has largely been envisioned as increme...
Increased River Alkalinization in the Eastern U.S. The interaction between human activities and watershed geology is accelerating long-term changes in the carbon cycle of rivers. We evaluated changes in bicarbon...
From sink to source: Regional variation in U.S. forest carbon futures The sequestration of atmospheric carbon (C) in forests has partially offset C emissions in the United States (US) and might reduce overall costs of achieving em...
Coastal habitats shield people and property from sea-level rise and storms Extreme weather, sea-level rise and degraded coastal ecosystems are placing people and property at greater risk of damage from coastal hazards 1–5. The likeli...
Future collapse: how optimistic should we be? 1st paragraph: Prof. Kelly FRS is optimistic about the chances of avoiding a collapse, but sadly we find his arguments entirely unpersuasive. For example, have ...
Competitive and demographic leverage points of community shifts under climate warming Accelerating rates of climate change and a paucity of whole-community studies of climate impacts limit our ability to forecast shifts in ecosystem structure and...
Water-controlled wealth of nations Population growth is in general constrained by food production, which in turn depends on the access to water resources. At a country level, some populations use...
Invited Review: Quantifying surface albedo and other direct biogeophysical climate forcings of forestry activities By altering fluxes of heat, momentum, and moisture exchanges between the land surface and atmosphere, forestry and other land-use activities affect climate. Alt...
Microhabitats in the tropics buffer temperature in a globally coherent manner Vegetated habitats contain a variety of fine-scale features that can ameliorate temperate extremes. These buffered microhabitats may be used by species to evade...
Conservation value of forests attacked by bark beetles: Highest number of indicator species is found in early successional stages Heavy natural disturbance in large protected areas of former commercial forests increasingly evokes European parliaments to call for management intervention bec...
Significant anthropogenic-induced changes of climate classes since 1950 Anthropogenic forcings have contributed to global and regional warming in the last few decades and likely affected terrestrial precipitation. Here we examine ch...
Untangling the confusion around land carbon science and climate change mitigation policy Depletion of ecosystem carbon stocks is a significant source of atmospheric CO2 and reducing land-based emissions and maintaining land carbon stocks contributes...
Adaptive management of biological systems: A review Adaptive Management (AM) is widely considered to be the best available approach for managing biolog- ical systems in the presence of uncertainty. But AM has arg...
Impacts of climate change on the world’s most exceptional ecoregions The current rate of warming due to increases in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions is very likely unprecedented over the last 10,000 y. Although the majority of cou...
Carbon sequestration in the U.S. forest sector from 1990 to 2010 From 1990 through 2005, the forest sector (including forests and wood products) sequestered an average 162 Tg C year1 . In 2005, 49% of the total forest sector ...
The rebound effect is overplayed Increasing energy efficiency brings emissions savings. Claims that it backfires are a distraction, say Kenneth Gillingham and colleagues.
The rebound effect is overplayed Increasing energy efficiency brings emissions savings. Claims that it backfires are a distraction, say Kenneth Gillingham and colleagues.
Predicting ecosystem shifts requires new approaches that integrate the effects of climate change across entire systems Most studies that forecast the ecological conse- quences of climate change target a single species and a single life stage. Depending on climatic impacts on oth...