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Climate Science Document Library 2010

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Bird population trends are linearly affected by climate change along species thermal ranges Beyond the effects of temperature increase on local population trends and on species distribution shifts, how populations of a given species are affected by cli...
The bigger they come, the harder they fall: body size and prey abundance influence predator −prey ratios Large carnivores are highly threatened, yet the processes underlying their population declines are still poorly understood and widely debated. We explored how b...
winds of change On average, terrestrial near-surface winds have slowed down in recent decades. This change will affect both wind energy and hydrology.
Modeling sediment accumulation in North American playa wetlands in response to climate change, 1940–2100 Playa wetlands on the west-central Great Plains of North America are vulnerable to sediment infilling from upland agriculture, putting at risk several important...
Thermal legacies: transgenerational effects of temperature on growth in a vertebrate Transgenerational plasticity (TGP), a generalisation of more widely studied maternal effects, occurs whenever environmental cues experienced by either parent pr...
Impacts of Climate Change on Biodiversity, Ecosystems, and Ecosystem Services Technical Input to the 2013 National Climate Assessment KEY FINDINGS Biodiversity and ecosystems are already more stressed than at any comparable period of human history. Climate change almost always exacerbates the...
Challenges in the conservation, rehabilitation and recovery of native stream salmonid populations: beyond the 2010 Luarca symposium – In May 2010, I chaired a session on challenges to salmonid conservation at the international symposium ‘Advances in the population ecology of stream salm...
Cumulative Effects of Fire and Fuels Management on Stream Water Quality and Ecosystem Dynamics Prescribed fires and wildland fire-use are increasingly important management tools used to reduce fuel loads and restore the ecological integrity of western for...
Regional variability in extinction thresholds for forest birds in the north-eastern United States: an examination of potential drivers using long-term breeding bird atlas datasets Main conclusions: Extinction threshold estimates varied tremendously across species and landscapes. Thus, habitat thresholds are difficult to generalize as they...
The Latest on Volcanic Eruptions and Climate 2nd paragraph: It is well known that large volcanic eruptions inject sulfur gases into the stratosphere, which convert to sulfate aerosols with a life- time of ...
Climate change and disruptions to global fire activity Future disruptions to fire activity will threaten ecosystems and human well-being throughout the world, yet there are few fire projections at global scales and ...
The Rescaling of Global Environmental Politics Key Words governance, international, linked issues, networks, scale Abstract In the past half-century, the practice and study of global environmental politic...
On the forest cover–water yield debate: from demand- to supply-side thinking Several major articles from the past decade and beyond conclude the impact of reforestation or afforestation on water yield is negative: additional forest cover...
The New Era Of Climate Risk Disclosure In February of this year, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission made clear in no uncertain terms that corporations have a duty to disclose risks faced thr...
Too late for two degrees? Low carbon economy index 2012 Even doubling our current rate of decarbonisation would still lead to emissions consistent with 6 degrees of warming by the end of the century. To give ourselv...
Wildfire and fuel treatment effects on forest carbon dynamics in the western United States Sequestration of carbon (C) in forests has the potential to mitigate the effects of climate change by offsetting future emissions of greenhouse gases. However,...
A long-term perspective on a modern drought in the American Southeast The depth of the 2006–9 drought in the humid, southeastern US left several metropolitan areas with only a 60–120 day water supply. To put the region’s re...
The State of Greenhouse Gases in the Atmosphere Based on Global Observations through 2013 The WMO Global Atmosphere Watch (GAW) coordinates observations of the most important contributors to climate change: long-lived greenhouse gases(LLGHG). In the ...
Global land use change, economic globalization, and the looming land scarcity A central challenge for sustainability is how to preserve forest ecosystems and the services that they provide us while enhancing food production. This challeng...