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Climate Science Document Library 2010

Title Description
The Hot Summer of 2010: Redrawing the Temperature Record Map of Europe The summer of 2010 was exceptionally warm in eastern Europe and large parts of Russia. We provide evidence that the anomalous 2010 warmth that caused adverse ...
The 2010 Amazon Drought Several global circulation models (GCMs) project an increase in the frequency and severity of drought events affecting the Amazon region as a consequence of ...
Rapid growth in CO2 emissions after the 2008–2009 global financial crisis.pdf 1st paragraph: Global carbon dioxide emissions from fossil-fuel combustion and cement production grew 5.9% in 2010, surpassed 9 Pg of carbon (Pg C) for the firs...
National post-2020 greenhouse gas targets and diversity-aware leadership Achieving the collective goal of limiting warming to below 2 ◦ C or 1.5 ◦ C compared to pre-industrial levels requires a transition towards a fully decarbon...
Open or closed? A discussion of the mistaken assumptions in the Economides pressure analysis of carbon sequestration The proposition by Economides and Ehlig–Economides (E&E) in 2009 and 2010 that geological storage of CO2 is ‘not feasible at any cost’ deserves to be exam...
Global and regional trends in greenhouse gas emissions from livestock Following IPCC guidelines (IPCC 2006), we estimate greenhouse gas emissions related to livestock in 237 countries and 11 livestock categories during the period ...
Early Warnings of Regime Shifts: A Whole-Ecosystem Experiment Catastrophic ecological regime shifts may be announced in advance by statistical early warning signals such as slowing return rates from perturbation and rising...
Biogenic vs. geologic carbon emissions and forest biomass energy production n the current debate over the CO2 emissions implications of switching from fossil fuel energy sources to include a substantial amount of woody biomass energy, m...
Creation of a Gilded Trap by the High Economic Value of the Maine Lobster Fishery Unsustainable fishing simplifies food chains and, as with aquaculture, can result in reliance on a few economically valuable species. This lack of diversity may...
Drought’s legacy: multiyear hydraulic deterioration underlies widespread aspen forest die-off and portends increased future risk Forest mortality constitutes a major uncertainty in projections of climate impacts on terrestrial ecosystems and car- bon-cycle feedbacks. Recent drought-induce...
Dissecting insect responses to climate warming: overwintering and post-diapause performance in the southern green stink bug, Nezara viridula, under simulated climate-change conditions The effect of simulated climate change on overwintering and postdiapause reproductive performance is studied in Nezara viridula (L.) (Heteroptera: Pentatomida...
Toward an Era of Restoration in Ecology: Successes, Failures, and Opportunities Ahead Keywords resilience, ecosystem restoration, restoration ecology, recovery, degradation, ecosystem services, environmental change, novel ecosystems Abstract A...
A Determination of the Cloud Feedback from Climate Variations over the Past Decade Estimates of Earth's climate sensitivity are uncertain, largely because of uncertainty in the long-term cloud feedback. I estimated the magnitude of the cloud ...
Impacts of climate change on the future of biodiversity Many studies in recent years have investigated the effects of climate change on the future of biodiversity. In this review, we first examine the different possi...
The 2010 Pakistan Flood and Russian Heat Wave: Teleconnection of Hydrometeorologic Extremes In this paper, we present preliminary results showing that the two record setting extreme events during 2010 summer, i.e., the Russian heat wave/wild fires and ...
CO2 emissions from land-use change affected more by nitrogen cycle, than by the choice of land-cover data The high uncertainty in land-based CO2 fluxes estimates is thought to be mainly due to uncertainty in not only quantifying historical changes among forests, cro...
Adapting to flood risk under climate change Flooding is the most common natural hazard and third most damaging globally after storms and earthquakes. Anthropogenic climate change is expected to increase f...
Rising air and stream-water temperatures in Chesapeake Bay region, USA Monthly mean air temperature (AT) at 85 sites and instantaneous stream-water temperature (WT) at 129 sites for 1960–2010 are examined for the mid-Atlantic reg...
Modelling the long-term response to positive and negative priming of soil organic carbon by black carbon bserved increases in the mineralization rate of labile organic carbon (LOC) in the presence of black carbon (BC) have led to speculation that corresponding decr...
Using Tree Rings to Predict the Response of Tree Growth to Climate Change in the Continental United States during the Twenty-First Century In the early 1900s, tree-ring scientists began analyzing the relative widths of annual growth rings preserved in the cross sections of trees to infer past clima...