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Webinars and Videos

You can customize your learning with a selection of webinars and videos about landscape conservation and working lands. View the videos you want – on your own schedule.

Incorporating the Benefits of Natural and Working Lands in Conservation Planning

Incorporating the Benefits of Natural and Working Lands in Conservation Planning

Katie Warnell, Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions at Duke University, gave this seminar March 22, 2022, as part of our Spring virtual science seminar series highlighting SE CASC funded projects supporting resource management actions across the Southeast.

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WLFW Pollinator Conservation Webinar Series: Session # 7 Do I Need a Pollinator Seed Mix and How to Build One

WLFW Pollinator Conservation Webinar Series: Session # 7 Do I Need a Pollinator Seed Mix and How to Build One

Session 7 of WLFW Pollinator Conservation Webinar series, presented by Kelly Gill, Pollinator Conservation Specialist for the Xerces Society and a Partner Biologist with the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service. This session focuses on building seed mixes designed for pollinators and is the second of three sessions on “pollinator habitat” in the series. Topics covered include recognizing whether a seed mix is needed, various seed mix options through NRCS, and specific information needed to build a seed mix such as habitat design and species selection.

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Cost Share Programs for landowners

Cost Share Programs for landowners

Creating bobwhite habitat doesn't have to be expensive. SCDNR biologist Andy Krieg explains the ins and outs of a few cost share programs that are available to help you fund improvements on your property.

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Partnerships Help Profitability, Sustainability in Cotton Farming: Dr. Jesse Daystar

Partnerships Help Profitability, Sustainability in Cotton Farming: Dr. Jesse Daystar

Dr. Jesse Daystar speaks at the WLFW Northern Bobwhite, Grasslands and Savannas National Partnership Meeting. February 23, 2021. Jesse is the Chief Sustainability Officer at Cotton Incorporated.

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WLFW East Region Conservation Webinar Series: Northern Bobwhite Session #6 “Bobwhite in Hardwood Forest Systems”

WLFW East Region Conservation Webinar Series: Northern Bobwhite Session #6 “Bobwhite in Hardwood Forest Systems”

Session 6 of the “Northern Bobwhite” mini-series was presented by John Gruchy with MDWFP. This session focuses on the Northern Bobwhite Quail in upland hardwood systems. Topics covered include defining “Dry Upland Hardwoods,” forest health and other considerations for managing upland hardwoods, assessing stands to refine potential treatment options, and examples of different management regimes on private and public land.

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WLFW Pollinator Conservation Series: Session #6 Planning & Establishing Pollinator Habitat

WLFW Pollinator Conservation Series: Session #6 Planning & Establishing Pollinator Habitat

Session 6 of WLFW Pollinator Conservation Webinar series, presented by Celia Vuocolo, WLFW Pollinator Coordinator-East with Quail Forever & USDA-NRCS. Topics covered include a step by step process for planning and establishing pollinator habitat, including site selection, options for restoration and Farm Bill programs planning process.

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Supplemental planting for quail

Supplemental planting for quail

Food plots can be helpful for bobwhites but only if they're done properly. Marion Barnes of Clemson Extension talks about what to plant, where to plant it and when to put it in the ground to get the most benefits.

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Partnerships in Conservation: Linking economics and wildlife habitat in on-farm program delivery: Kira Everhart-Valentine

Partnerships in Conservation: Linking economics and wildlife habitat in on-farm program delivery: Kira Everhart-Valentine

Kira Everhart-Valentine speaking at the WLFW Northern Bobwhite, Grasslands and Savannas Partnership Meeting. February 23, 2021. Kira is the Sustainability Director of the United Sorghum Checkoff Program.

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WLFW East Region Conservation Webinar Series: Northern Bobwhite Session #5 “Bobwhite in Pine Forest Systems”

WLFW East Region Conservation Webinar Series: Northern Bobwhite Session #5 “Bobwhite in Pine Forest Systems”

Session 5 of the “Northern Bobwhite” mini-series was presented by Brad Kubecka with Tall Timbers.  This session focuses on the Northern Bobwhite Quail in pine systems. Topics covered include the limiting factors for bobwhite habitat in pine systems, different thinning techniques in planted vs native pine stands, importance of prescribed fire in pines, and realistic tradeoffs between managing property for timber and/or Northern Bobwhite. 

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WLFW East Region Conservation Webinar Series: Programs and Partnerships Session #4 “Southeast Bumble Bee Atlas” 

WLFW East Region Conservation Webinar Series: Programs and Partnerships Session #4 “Southeast Bumble Bee Atlas” 

Session 4 of the “Programs and Partnerships” mini-series was presented by Laurie Hamon with The Xerces Society.  This session focuses on the Bumble Bee Atlas program and how beneficial it is to pollinator conservation. Topics covered include a basic understanding of bumble bee biology, a general overview of the Bumble Bee Atlas program, and a focused overview of the Southeast Bumble Bee Atlas. 

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Use of fire in quail management

Use of fire in quail management

Prescribed fire is the most useful tool in a quail manager's toolbox. SCDNR biologist Dan Peeples discusses the ins and outs of burning, how it benefits quail and other wildlife, and how you can learn to burn on your land.

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WLFW Field Perspective: J.B. Daniel

WLFW Field Perspective: J.B. Daniel

J.B. Daniel presenting at the WLFW Northern Bobwhite, Grasslands and Savannas National Partnership Meeting. February 23, 2021. J.B. is a grazing specialist with NRCS.

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Planting Native Grasses: Missouri Forage and Livestock Series

Planting Native Grasses: Missouri Forage and Livestock Series

Pat Keyser (University of Tennessee) and Rick Rath (Missouri Department of Conservation) share about establishing and managing native grasses on pasture lands. Native grasses benefit not only livestock, but wildlife too. This webinar can help practitioners and landowners alike. Filmed January 20, 2021 - Missouri Forage and Livestock Series

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WLFW East Region Conservation Webinar Series: Northern Bobwhite Session #4 “Bobwhite in Pasture Systems” 

WLFW East Region Conservation Webinar Series: Northern Bobwhite Session #4 “Bobwhite in Pasture Systems” 

Session 4 of the “Northern Bobwhite” mini-series was presented by Tanner Patton with Pheasants Forever/Quail Forever. This session focuses on the Northern Bobwhite Quail in pasture systems. Topics covered include the disadvantages of non-native grass for Northern Bobwhite and livestock, benefits of NWSG to livestock and Northern Bobwhite, and grazing practices that help your livestock operation while simultaneously promoting wildlife.

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WLFW Pollinator Conservation Series: Session #5 SWAP & Listed Species in the Southeast

WLFW Pollinator Conservation Series: Session #5 SWAP & Listed Species in the Southeast

Session 5 of WLFW Pollinator Conservation Webinar series, presented by Celia Vuocolo, WLFW Pollinator Coordinator-East with Quail Forever & USDA-NRCS. Topics covered include an overview of a selection of State Wildlife Action Plan SGCNs and federal/state listed pollinator species. Conservation planning strategies for planners and biologists.

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WLFW East Region Conservation Webinar Series: Programs and Partnerships Session #3 “Power of Partnerships” 

WLFW East Region Conservation Webinar Series: Programs and Partnerships Session #3 “Power of Partnerships” 

Session 3 of the “Programs and Partnerships” mini-series was presented by Derek Wiley, OPJV/TPWD and Thomas Janke, PFQF.  This session focuses on the exceptional partnerships going on in Texas and Oklahoma. Topics covered include a basic understanding of joint ventures, the GRIP program, and success stories. 

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WLFW Pollinator Conservation Webinar Series: Session # 4 Monarch in the Southeast

WLFW Pollinator Conservation Webinar Series: Session # 4 Monarch in the Southeast

Session 4 of WLFW Pollinator Conservation Webinar series, presented by Dr. Ray Moranz, Grazing Lands Pollinator Ecologist for the Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation. This session focuses on the Monarch butterfly in the Southeast, and is the second of three sessions on “pollinator species of conservation concern” in the series. Topics covered include Monarch life history, conservation threats & status, management considerations and Southeast region plants species that support Monarchs.

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Managing agricultural land for quail

Managing agricultural land for quail

Cropland used to be synonymous with bobwhite whistles in South Carolina. As Ted Rainwater, Quail Forever Farm Bill Biologist, explains, there a many things a landowner can do to modern agriculture to make it more quail-friendly.

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The Economics of Grazing Native Warm Season Grasses: Dr. Pat Keyser

The Economics of Grazing Native Warm Season Grasses: Dr. Pat Keyser

Dr. Pat Keyser speaking at the Working Lands for Wildlife (WLFW): Northern bobwhite, Grasslands and Savannas National Partnership Meeting. Feb 23, 2021. Pat is a professor and the Director of the Center for Native Grassland Management at the University of Tennessee.

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Beef, Grass, and Bobwhites w/ Jef Hodges

Beef, Grass, and Bobwhites w/ Jef Hodges

Day 2, Session 2. Native Warm-Season Grasses Webinar with Dr. Pat Keyser and Jef Hodges. Presented December 2, 2021.

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