Northern Bobwhites and Fire: A Perfect Match
Prescribed fire, bobwhite ecology, and local site conditions need to be aligned for optimal bobwhite population response. This course discusses the context of fire frequency, scale, and seasonality for bobwhite management and restoration.
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Videos, podcasts, multimedia
Tip for Raising EQIP Payment Rate for Prescribed Burns
Potential approaches to raising payment rates for prescribed burns.
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Helpful Tips for Implementation
NOAA Firebird Project
The NOAA Firebird Project is focused on understanding how prescribed fire practices affect populations of black and yellow rails and mottled ducks in high marsh across the U.S. Gulf States, during the breeding and non-breeding seasons.
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Prescribed Burn
Overwintering behavior reduces mortality for a terrestrial turtle in forests managed with prescribed fire
Using radiotelemetry, we studied overwintering behavior and interactions with fire in a forest-dwelling terrestrial turtle, the Eastern Box Turtle (Terrapene carolina carolina), over an eight-year period at two sites that use prescribed fire in forest management.
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Growing-Season Prescribed Fires and Ground-Nesting Birds: Answers for Longleaf Restoration
This presentation will look at the science behind the use of fire during the "lightning season" (the months of April – July) and its effects on ground-nesting birds such as quail and Bachman’s sparrow.
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Learning & Tech Transfer
Training Resources
Prescribed Burn School
This course places an emphasis on fire behavior, how to employ the correct firing technique, and equipment & safety. After successful completion of this course, you will be eligible to schedule your official exam and field component to apply to become a Certified and Insured Prescribed Burn Manager (CIPBM) from TDA.
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Online Training Programs and Materials