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Located in Information Materials / Research / WLFW Outcomes: Funded Research
Project Range-wide assessment of grazing and hydrology in bog turtle wetlands
In December 2018, a meeting of bog turtle experts was hosted in Richmond, VA and experts across the Eastern range of the species identified as a high priority the need to better understand the benefits and potential negative impacts of livestock grazing in bog turtle inhabited wetlands. Hydrologic conditions in bog turtle wetlands emerged as a secondary concern needing more research. Recently, NRCS’ Conservation Effects Assessment Project (CEAP) awarded funds to Dr. Carola Haas leading a team of researchers at Virginia Tech University to conduct an assessment on these two topics (grazing and hydrology).
Located in Information Materials / Research / WLFW Outcomes: Funded Research
File NRCS WLFW Outcomes Assessment 2012-2018 (released 2021)
An outcomes assessment report completed under a contract to Dr. JJ Apodaca from NRCS-WLFW. This document is being shared with conservation partners but broad or public sharing is not approved.
Located in Information Materials / Research / WLFW Outcomes: Funded Research