Beef, Grass, and Bobwhites – Quail Management in Eastern Native Warm-Season Grass Pastures
This technical bulletin is targeted to technical advisors working with cattlemen and women in the eastern U. S. who are interested in managing for bobwhites. The authors combine a review of the literature, current research and first-hand experience to present this first-of-its-kind technical manual integrating grazing and bobwhite management in the eastern U. S. Published by NBTC and funded by WLFW.
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Published Materials
Beef, Grass, and Bobwhites w/ Jef Hodges
Day 2, Session 2. Native Warm-Season Grasses Webinar with Dr. Pat Keyser and Jef Hodges. Presented December 2, 2021.
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Training Resources
Webinars and Instructional Videos
Webinar- Course on Native Warm-Season Grass Forages and Grazing Management for Bobwhites
Bobwhite history and biology
Dr. Cory Heaton of Clemson University talks about bobwhite biology and history with a focus on habitat requirements. If you think the bobwhite decline is due to something other than habitat, watch this video.
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Training Resources
Webinars and Instructional Videos
Bobwhite Quail Seminar Series
Bobwhite-specific Ranking Tool (GA example)
This ranking tool was used in Georgia when they had a separate fund pool for a special bobwhite project.
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NRCS Conservation Practices & Materials
Screening & Ranking
Bog Turtle (Glyptemys muhlenbergii)
Learn about The Nature Conservancy's work to save North America's smallest turtle.
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Information Materials
Habitat Restoration and Management
Building Your Own Conservation Team
Building habitat on private land isn’t easy. That’s why Barb Heyen has built a “conservation team,” to help transform 120 acres of her property in southern Illinois from low quality pasture to quail and monarch-focused habitat.
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Business Case for NWSG Forages w/ Dr. Pat Keyser
Day 1, Session 1. Native Warm-Season Grasses Webinar with Dr. Pat Keyser and Jef Hodges. Presented December 1, 2021.
Located in
Training Resources
Webinars and Instructional Videos
Webinar- Course on Native Warm-Season Grass Forages and Grazing Management for Bobwhites
Can Agriculture and Biodiversity Coexist?
To free up land for biodiversity conservation while satisfying growing food demand, techno-optimist narratives suggest indefinitely increasing agricultural productivity, including through massive pesticide use. But this view, which has made its way from an academic niche into corporate and policy-making circles, overlooks the complexity of natural ecosystems and the market dynamics that regulate access to food.
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CEC Monarch and Pollinator Conservation
For over two decades The Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC) have supported the conservation of the Monarch butterfly along its migratory route, by promoting community projects, developing action plans and supporting collaborative efforts in Canada, Mexico and the United States. Building on this model, we are supporting regional collaboration for pollinator conservation.
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General Resources and Publications
Conservation Corridor April 2021 Newsletter
Identifying priority areas for binational connectivity of large carnivores.
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News & Announcements
WLFW Newsletters
Conservation Corridor Newsletters