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The Nature Conservancy works to establish local groups that can protect land. Private lands conservation is an innovative tactic that leverages the increasing interest of the private sector to take part in conservation. TNC works with landowners, communities, cooperatives and businesses to establish local groups that can protect land. Some of the main tools used to achieve these goals include land trusts, conservation easements, private reserves and incentives.
Located in Landowner Information / Landowner Resources
Story C header The Role of Fish Passage Structures in River Health
Barriers disrupt everything from water quality to biodiversity, creating far-reaching consequences for aquatic life and the surrounding environment.
Located in Stories
Located in Training Resources / Webinars and Instructional Videos / Bobwhite Quail Seminar Series
Story The Southeast is Perfect for the Aquatic Connectivity Framework
The Southeastern United States is an absolute gem in terms of freshwater diversity. The rivers and streams here are bursting with life, making this region one of the country's most biodiverse places for freshwater species. The Southeast is home to around 600 freshwater fish species, 500 of which are endemic. This region is a global hotspot for freshwater biodiversity, making the Aquatic Connectivity Framework (ACF) an excellent fit for the Southeast. We aim to protect and restore these incredible aquatic habitats through a landscape-scale Working Lands for Wildlife approach.
Located in Stories
They Know How to Prevent Megafires. Why Won’t Anybody Listen?
This is a story about frustration, about watching the West burn when you fully understand why it’s burning — and understand why it did not need to be this bad.
Located in News & Events / News Inbox
Video Timber Management and Prescribed Fire
Joe Marschall (Oak Woodlands and Forests Fire Science Consortium) moderates a panel of fire professionals and timber management specialists to discuss results from research and personal experience of combining prescribed fire with timber management.
Located in Training / Online Training Programs and Materials
Tip for Raising EQIP Payment Rate for Prescribed Burns
Potential approaches to raising payment rates for prescribed burns.
Located in Information / Helpful Tips for Implementation
To Restore Hellbender Habitat, a Biologist Visits the Farmers' Market
When working to restore wildlife habitat on agricultural lands, outreach to producers can be challenging. Private Lands Biologist Mike Knoerr figured out a way to make it much more efficient.
Located in News & Events
Video text/texmacs Tractors and accidents
From seasonal discing to cutting fire breaks to planting or spraying, a tractor is a staple in bobwhite habitat management. Marion Barnes talks about how to keep this big piece of metal from injuring you.
Located in Training Resources / Webinars and Instructional Videos / Bobwhite Quail Seminar Series
The following interactive atlases provide a means to explore mapped data related to brook trout populations, habitats, and threats in local watersheds and across their eastern range.
Located in Learning & Tech Transfer / Apps, Maps, & Data