National Extension Wildland Fire Initiative Quarterly Meeting
Join the National Extension Wildland Fire Initiative for our quarterly Zoom meeting. This meeting will feature brief presentations on emerging wildland fire Extension projects in Pennsylvania and Florida. We will also discuss ways NEWFI members across the country have adapted to offering wildland fire programming remotely due to restrictions related to COVID-19.
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Events Inbox
National Fire Academy online courses
Online learning is a terrific option if you want to take National Fire Academy (NFA) classes. Our online self-study and mediated courses are free to fire and emergency services personnel, and international students are welcome. Continuing Education Units (CEUs) are available for most courses. Successful completion is added to your NFA transcript, and you earn an NFA certificate.
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Online Training Programs and Materials
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation Awards $1.3 Million in Grants to Conserve Habitat in the Southeast’s Cumberland Plateau
Seven projects will preserve forest and stream habitats, benefiting game species, forest-dependent birds, and fish and mussel species
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News & Events
Eastern Hellbender News
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation Central Appalachia Habitat Stewardship Program Announces Funding for Projects to Support Hellbender Conservation
The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation has has announced grant awards for the 2022 cycle of its Central Appalachia Habitat Stewardship Program and several of the awards will benefit Eastern hellbenders.
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News & Events
Eastern Hellbender News
National Interagency Prescribed Fire Training Center
National Interagency Prescribed Fire Training Center provides opportunities for federal, state, local, and tribal government agencies and other organizations to build skills and knowledge of prescribed fire, with an emphasis on field experience.
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Online Training Programs and Materials
National Project Boundaries for WLFW-NOBO, Grasslands, and Savannas
Attached shapefiles combine all of the state input to create one cohesive, national map for the framework. Some states also identified priority areas within these boundaries, and those are posted in this same folder.
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Boundaries & Priority Area Shapefiles
National Wildfire Coordinating Group
National Wildfire Coordinating Group’s catalogue provides specific training for NWCG positions.
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Online Training Programs and Materials
Native plants and bobwhites
Why are native plants so vital to bobwhites? TJ Savereno of Clemson Extension answers this question and gives a solid introduction to each type of plant and where its value lies. He also covers the proper mix of each type for your property.
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Training Resources
Webinars and Instructional Videos
Bobwhite Quail Seminar Series
Native Vegetation Investments Pay Conservation Dividends
Viewers will learn about native vegetation’s applicability to a myriad of conservation practices beyond wildlife uses through an exploration of the supporting scientific research applied throughout the tall grass prairie and southeastern grasslands regions. Topics covered will include soil conservation, water quality, air quality, soil health, forage, biomass and wildlife
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Training Resources
Webinars and Instructional Videos
NBCI Bobwhite Seminars
NBCI BRI Map for Northern Bobwhite
Developed by the National Bobwhite Conservation Initiative partnership, this Biological Ranking Information map denotes prioritized counties across the 25-state area of NBCI activity. Within NRCS, states participating in Working Lands for Wildlife-Northern bobwhite select from the blue priority counties to identify areas within each state where sign-ups for Farm Bill programs will occur.
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Maps and Spatial Data