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Oak Regeneration
Competing species in the white oak range are shading out young white oaks thus preventing regeneration, resulting in a non-sustainable demographic dominated by older trees. Dr. Jeff Larkin is a professor of Wildlife Ecology and Conservation at IUP, as well as the Forest Bird Habitat Coordinator for the American Bird Conservancy. He says: it's just as important for landowners and forest managers to 'look down' as it is to 'look up' when it comes to oak forest management and stewardship. These photos, taken by Dr. Larkin, demonstrate white oak regeneration within the forest understory.
Located in Information Materials / Multimedia
Oak Woodlands & Forest Fire Consortium Newsletter October, 2019
In this issue: Shortleaf Pine Conference; Research Brief; Heads Up!; Hot Spots; Spotlight; Upcoming Events.
Located in News & Events / Wildland Fire Newletters / Oak Woodlands & Forest Fire Consortium Newsletter
On the Line-Survey Says... Apr 21, 2020
While much is known about the science of wildland fire behavior, the same cannot necessarily be said about our understanding of the impacts that these blazes have upon those tasked with putting them out. Although that knowledge base is slowly building, much remains to be learned about the psychological and behavioral health of wildland firefighters (WLFF’s). Thanks to the recent research efforts of clinical psychology doctoral student Patty O’Brien (a former Lolo Hotshot, and now Dr. O’Brien), we now know a great deal more. Patty was able to survey over 2600 current or former wildland firefighters to learn more about their demographic, employment, and clinical characteristics, as well as their health behaviors. In this, the tenth and final podcast of On the Line season three, Patty and her doctoral advisor Dr. Duncan Campbell join host Charlie Palmer to discuss some of her groundbreaking findings, and to chart out a course for future steps.
Located in News & Events / News Inbox
Paul Hessburg: Why Wildfires Have Gotten Worse-and What We Can Do About It
Megafires, individual fires that burn more than 100,000 acres, are on the rise in the western United States -- the direct result of unintentional yet massive changes we've brought to the forests through a century of misguided management. What steps can we take to avoid further destruction? Forest ecologist Paul Hessburg confronts some tough truths about wildfires and details how we can help restore the natural balance of the landscape.
Located in News & Events / News Inbox
Pheasants Forever, Quail Forever, and WLFW East Region Webinar Series
Pheasants Forever & Quail Forever, in partnership with USDA-NRCS’s Working Lands for Wildlife, has reformed the WLFW Pollinator Conservation webinar series to include broader topics and changed platforms to Zoom. This series aims to enhance understanding, confidence, and knowledge of conservation concepts. It is designed for conservation professionals working in the WLFW East Region. NRCS staff and partner organizations are welcome to attend (click image for more details), so please feel free to share it with your field staff.
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Video ECMAScript program Prescribed Burn Associations: Different Models for Different Places
Located in Training / Videos, podcasts, multimedia / Videos
Video Prescribed burning in wooded areas
John Weir from the Oklahoma State University explains the value of prescribed burning in oak forests -- and describes the differences in burning needs that exist between Eastern and Western Oklahoma.
Located in Training / Videos, podcasts, multimedia
Prescribed Fire Effects on Water Quality in the Southern Appalachians April 22nd, 12:00-1:00 EST
Kipling Klimas (Utah State University) will discuss his work assessing the impact of prescribed fire on high value forested watersheds in the southern Blue Ridge Mountains.
Located in News & Events / Events Inbox
Prescribed Fire for Forest Management Webinar Series
Foresters and land managers have many management tools at their disposal. A tool that’s often overlooked is prescribed fire. Prescribed fire for forest management is important for ​ecosystem health, forest regeneration, wildlife habitat, forest health, and disease control. Join us for insightful discussions with national experts as we discuss forest management using prescribed fire. Learn some of the practical knowledge of where, when, why, and how to apply fire in forest ecosystems.
Located in News & Events / Events Inbox
Quail Forever Hires Lauren Stamm as Southwest Regional Rep
Quail Forever is proud to announce the hiring of Lauren Stamm as a regional representative in the southwest United States. In her new role, Stamm will provide support for dedicated members and volunteers throughout Arizona, Nevada, and New Mexico, working closely with local chapters to improve public and private lands conservation efforts for quail and other wildlife.
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