Curious why LANDFIRE 2023's release includes three NEW Disturbance products? Every wondered how LANDFIRE assigns severity information to disturbance layers? This video explains these three new disturbance layers (LDIST, PDIST, DIST) and takes a look at two disturbances (wildfire and tornado), and explains the process for assigning severity to each disturbance. Watch the first video in the series: Disturbance Help Docs: LANDFIRE's Release Schedule: Join our newsletter: Intro 0:36 LANDFIRE's New Disturbance Products 1:09 New changes to LANDFIRE's disturbance product suite 1:33 LDIST - Limited Disturbance explained 3:18 PDIST - Preliminary Disturbance explained 3:55 DIST - Annual Disturbance 4:40 - One "Final Data Call" - Example (with example dates, deadlines included) 5:54 Example from Bend, Oregon 7:02 LANDFIRE Severity - how is severity assigned? (explainer) 7:38 Severity example from fire along Oregon/California border 8:37 Severity example from tornado along Kentucky/Tennessee border Want more short-form LANDFIRE Info? Join the email list YouTube channel: @nature_LANDFIRE Find LANDFIRE data and products Still have a question? Shoot us an email (we're here to help!) #LANDFIRE #LANDFIRECOMMUNITY #LANDFIREHELP #LANDFIREHOWTO #LANDFIREDisturbance#Disturbancedata
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Navigating LANDFIRE Disturbance data and products can be challenging. We compiled the best disturbance explanations from our LANDFIRE Team to help you understand (and leverage) these products. We explore how LANDFIRE disturbance data is collected, how the layers are made and best practices for using LANDFIRE disturbance layers.
Follow along as The Nature Conservancy's LANDFIRE Team explores the ins and outs of how (and when) to apply the vegetation departure (VDEP) metric including real-life examples of ways VDEP is impacting forest management and forest plans in the United States.