Comparing Remote Sensing and Field-Based Approaches to Estimate Ladder Fuels and Predict Wildfire Burn Severity
A comparative study on remote sensing and field-based approaches to estimate ladder fuel density. Can densities from different approaches predict wildfire burn severity?
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Western Fire Chiefs Association (WFCA) Fire Map
The WFCA Fire Map pulls data from the US Forest Service via National Interagency Fire Center IRWIN feed, and 911 Dispatch data via PulsePoint to track the location of the wildfire as they start and while they’re burning. The WFCA Fire Map is the first map of its kind to pull such data from 911 Dispatch in relevant areas.
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Bootjack Fire Station Water Storage Project
The “Bootjack Fire Station Water Storage Project” included the installation of a new water tank at a local fire station in the disadvantaged community of Bootjack. The project’s purpose was to increase local water storage to fight the growing number of wildfires in the region.
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Overwintering behavior reduces mortality for a terrestrial turtle in forests managed with prescribed fire
Using radiotelemetry, we studied overwintering behavior and interactions with fire in a forest-dwelling terrestrial turtle, the Eastern Box Turtle (Terrapene carolina carolina), over an eight-year period at two sites that use prescribed fire in forest management.
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Landsat’s Role in Managing Wildland Fires
Worldwide, fire plays a critical role in maintaining healthy forests, but fire can also be damaging. Homes are destroyed and the effects on air quality can be felt for miles. Forest fires are occurring more often and with greater intensity than in years past, and Landsat plays a critical role in understanding the impact. Landsat data enables land managers and scientists to assess the severity and extent of large fires as they plan recovery efforts; to improve safety and prevent damage to life, property and natural resources; to estimate how much pollution burning releases into the air; and to monitor the post-fire recovery of burned areas.
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NOAAFireBird Sept 2023 – Feb 2024 Newsletter
Check out the newest issue of our newsletter!
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Wildland Fire Newletters
NOAA FireBird Newsletters
USDA Forest Service Prescribed Fire
Prescribed fires, also known as prescribed burns or controlled burns, refer to the controlled application of fire by a team of fire experts under specified weather conditions to restore health to ecosystems that depend on fire.
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Prescribed Burning
NRCS Prescribed Burning
Prescribed burning is applying controlled fire to a predetermined area of land.
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Prescribed Burning
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Fire Management
The U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service has assumed a leadership role in the use of fire to maintain and support healthy ecosystems. The Service has traditionally led DOI agencies in using prescribed fire to reduce dangerously overgrown vegetation, known as "hazardous fuels," keeping lands in good condition while accomplishing the most with the least funding.
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Prescribed Burning
National Park Service Wildfires, Prescribed Fires, and Fuels
The National Interagency Fire Center (NIFC), located in Boise, Idaho, is the nation's support center for wildland firefighting. Eight different agencies and organizations are part of NIFC. Decisions are made and priorities set through close interagency cooperation. The National Park Service’s Division of Fire and Aviation Management (FAM) is located at NIFC and is the National Park Service’s national office that provides policy guidance, management, and oversight for the Wildland Fire Management, Structural Fire Management, and Aviation Management programs in the national parks.
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Prescribed Burning