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You are here: Home / Resources / Northern Bobwhite, Grasslands, and Savannas (2022) Framework for Conservation Action / Presentation to WLFW Partners on NOBO, Grasslands, and Savannas Framework

Presentation to WLFW Partners on NOBO, Grasslands, and Savannas Framework

Presentation to WLFW Partners on NOBO, Grasslands, and Savannas Framework
On March 2, 2022 as the release of the release by NRCS of the new framework is pending, Bridgett Costanzo of WLFW and Jessica McGuire of Quail Forever gave an overview of the framework, the associated needs assessment, and activities already underway to add staff and design a national monitoring plan. To view the recorded webinar based on these slides, go to the webinars section

Publication Date: 2022

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