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File ECMAScript program Beef, Grass, and Bobwhites – Quail Management in Eastern Native Warm-Season Grass Pastures
This technical bulletin is targeted to technical advisors working with cattlemen and women in the eastern U. S. who are interested in managing for bobwhites. The authors combine a review of the literature, current research and first-hand experience to present this first-of-its-kind technical manual integrating grazing and bobwhite management in the eastern U. S. Published by NBTC and funded by WLFW.
Located in Information / Published Materials
Video Grazing Gone Native
Producer Drexel Atkisson talks about role of NWSFs in his grazing system in dealing with drought.
Located in Training Resources / Webinars and Instructional Videos
J.B. Daniel, Grassland Agronomist and Grazing Specialist with NRCS Virginia talks about NRCS programs that offer technical and financial assistance for planting native warm-season forages and set up grazing systems.
Located in Training Resources
Dr. Pat Keyser, Director of the Center for Native Grasslands Management shares his 40+ year knowledge about establishing native warm-season forages.
Located in Training Resources
Steve Clubine, producer from West-central Missouri and retired grassland biologist discusses starting out with a grazing system and animal performance.
Located in Training Resources